Webinář New Advances in Medicinal Chemistry

Vážení přátelé,

rádi bychom pozvali všechny vědecké pracovníky a autory z řad členů konsorcia CzechElib na webinář, který pořádá 20. 6. 2023 vydavatel Bentham Science. Webinář povedou šéfredaktoři časopisů Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry a Letters in Drug Design & Discovery. Prezentovat budou uznávaní vědci, kteří představí své nejnovější výzkumné projekty a průlomové objevy.

Pozvání vydavatele s podrobnějšími informacemi a odkazem na registraci naleznete níže.

Budeme se těšit na Vaši účast!


We are pleased to announce the upcoming joint online Webinar for Authors entitled “New Advances in Medicinal Chemistry: Bioactive Compounds and Exploitable Targets” organized by Prof. Simone Carradori, the Editor in Chief of Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, and Prof. Ivana Cacciatore, the Editor in Chief of Letters in Drug Design & Discovery (Bentham Science Publishers) on June 20th, 2023.

The event will gather invited lectures from different countries with the aim of collecting the latest discoveries in the field of Medicinal Chemistry. The topics which will be discussed deal with rational drug design and discovery of synthetic and natural compounds, in silico approaches, innovative drug targets, multi-target ligands, and biological evaluation.

View the information for the invited lectures, and register for the event here: https://bit.ly/3qij2Yp

Registration to the webinar is free of charge and is proposed to a large audience of scientists ranging from students to people working in academia and pharmaceutical enterprises. After each lecture, a Q/A session will be stimulated to improve the interaction between the audience and the panel of experts.

Feel free to join us for this first edition!

We look forward to meeting you.