About us
About company
Suweco is one of the biggest central European suppliers of scientific information sources of all types and forms, from the printed books and series to electronic information sources provided to institutions within consortium.
Suweco is one of the biggest central European suppliers of scientific information sources of all types and forms, from the printed books and series to electronic information sources provided to institutions within consortium. We manage and administrate the biggest Czech and Slovak consortiums for access to top scientific information sources.
We provide the distribution of press and other traditional and electronic information sources for libraries, state institutions and private companies all over the world as of 1993.
Our portfolio consists of over 300 000 scientific and popularly-educational periodicals from all over the world, including the dailies, 4000000 traditional and electronic book titles and access to the world-wide databases of full texts of scientific periodicals and book titles.
We help to arch over and make accessible the information science and research structure by the key scientific information sources.
System of accessibility to traditional and electronic scientific and popularly-educational periodicals and books for users.
Portal for effective institutional administration of electronic information sources.
Easy way to gain, renew and administrate the subscriptions.
Assistance service for costs and time optimalization for funds administration.
S.O.S. works 24/7.
The role of S. O. S. is to listen to clients and take care of the client´s wishes through S. O. S. services..
Products and Services
For Users
Suweco offers to all users an access to all titles available to their library from one place. The users will appreciate especially easy searching in online titles to the level of full text (metasearcher NAVIGA, ROAD – archive accessing system).
For librarians
Suweco is a long-term strategic partner mainly to scientific libraries. Their managers regularly appreciate the contribution of Suweco Online Service for work efficiency increase of their institutions and enhancement of their service offering. Documentalists can manage their subscriptions and aministration of online sources from one place.
For publishers
Suweco offers an option of advertisement placement to all partners under the individual conditions. For more information please contact us at advertising(at)suweco.cz.
Suweco has a wide experience with consortium administration to national and multinational licenses as of 1999. We are able to help to search out the members, to provide the agreement concept, administration and help with financial sources for smaller national and consortium.
Metasearcher in electronic information sources and tool for their administration
Naviga is software for access and administration of electronic information sources, it provides the authorized users for new options for administration and accessing of electronic information sources according to valid access privileges. Naviga means simple and comfortable access to licensed digital sources – electronic journals, books, encyclopedias, all to the level of full text.
Suweco specializes in providing and administration of national and very specific consortium licenses for access to databases of full texts of word-wide top scientific electronic information sources.
Suweco is as of 1999 the strategic partner of National Technical University in Prague for which we play a role of administrator of consortiums arranged within the Grant Project of Czech Ministry of Education. The same partnership is between Suweco and Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information.
Suweco was acknowledged to be exclusive representation in individual cases of administratoin of access to electronic journal and consortium licenses in the teritory of Czech republic, Slovak republic and Hungary
Suweco periodicals catalogue offers selection of more than 25000 most frequently sold scientific titles from all over the world. The widen catalogue then offers overview of more than 300 000. We are able to provide any periodical including the access to electronic version of print journals and access to electronic journals which are not listed in our catalogue.