Web conference "See the Future" - November 17 and 18, 2020
Akce a slevy, AktualityDear Business Partners,
You are cordially invited to attend “See the Future”, a web conference being organized by Enago. Please refer to this link: https://www.enago.com/see-the-future/conference-2020/
The main theme of the conference…

Akce a slevy, AktualityElsevier Health Science publishing house presents a wide range of newly published books on medicine. Books have been published between January-April 2020 and they can now be purchased with 25% discount. The discount will be deducted from publisher's…

Information for Customers
Akce a slevy, AktualityDear Customers,
We hope that you and your loved ones are safe during the coronavirus crisis.
We've adopted certain measures in order to prevent dissemination of the coronavirus covid-19. The changes to our operations that we've made will…

Special offer on plastic surgery titles! Get a discount up to 25%!
Akce a slevyBooks which we can offer you for special prices, including detailed information can you find in the attachment. If you are interested in any of the book and in case of questions on special prices, please contact us at horova@suweco.cz.

20-25% discount on news from the Publishers´ Representative MAREK Lewinson!
Akce a slevyUse discount of 20-25% and choose from the June book titles! News overview including detailed information can be found in the attachments.
If you are interested in any of the book and in case of questions on prices please contact us at h…

Top new books from Springer release in June 2016 !
Akce a slevyChoose your new book from the publisher Springer issued in June! Overview of the top new books including detailed information you can find in the attached file.
If you are interested in any of the book or in case of questions , please contact…

Special offer for a two-volume book of Peterson 's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery!
Akce a slevyWe would like to offer you a two-volume book of Peterson 's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd Edition at a special price of 80 USD! This offer applies to a limited number of pieces.
In case of your interest in a book or if…

Choose your book from the publisher OmniScriptum!
Akce a slevyWe have prepared an offer of books from the publisher OmniScriptum. This publisher belongs to the OmniScriptum Publishing Group, which oversees many publishers and different markets.
Overview of the offered books including detailed information…

Time-limited introductory price on a new book Encyclopedia of Iron , Steel , and Their Alloys!
AktualityWe have prepared a time-limited offer on the book Encyclopedia of Iron, Steel , and Their Alloys, 5Vols Set.
List Price: 1 529 GBP
Special introductory price: 954 GBP - Offer valid till 30.04.2016 !
In case of your interest in a book…